In collaboration with ButcherBox, let’s fix America’s broken food chain, starting with athletes.
Properly-sourced, grass-fed beef is a healthy, delicious and sustainable nutrition source to power recovery at the highest levels. Food education on all-natural performance is at the core of our racing and community engagement.
ButcherBox delivers 100% grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, humanely raised pork, and wild-caught seafood directly to your door. butcherbox.com
How do we use Humango to improve team performance?
By drawing on Humango’s true technology we envision a future where the integration of health and wellness data streams will revolutionize individuals’ well-being journeys, empower predictive performance advancements, and enhance talent acquisition strategies.
By joining the team’s Virtual Training Group, consumers also can receive a free five-week (37 day) trial, which allows them to virtually train with the coaches and athletes, see their workouts, receive access to equipment and partner discounts, all while creating your own training journey for any race or targeted fitness goal you have planned.
Learn more about humango
Read the full press release
We believe in data and getting the most out of athletes.
Why does Team Bahrain Victorious, Team Colpack-Ballan, and Butcherbox Cycling choose to fuel our rides with Neversecond?
We are a high-performance race team with an equal-standards women's and men's program specializing in American-style events with a passion for criteriums. Our organization and athlete-ambassadors strive to advance the sport, push the limits of performance, and elevate the communities and partners we engage.
The team is owned and operated by Fasturdays Racing Alliance, LLC. — an independent sports management company focused on innovative partnerships that elevate the game for passionate athletes, progressive brands, and engaged communities.